In Memory

In our hearts your memory lingers

Sweetly, softly, tender, true.

There is not a day dear friend

That we do not think of you.

Class of 1970

Michael Anderson

Marion Bedle Freiwald

Billy Boyd

Vincent Brady

Linda Chickella

Steven Ciaccia

Frances Conahan Kingenberg

Robert Coyne

Deborah Cyr

Robert Danow

Lee Darcan

Alisa Draizen Scarano

Linda DiNicolas Satterthwaite

Carson Frey

Patrick Garguilo

Mary Gattuso

John Harvey

Mindy Kaplan Freedman

Steve Kasloff

Steven Keller

Eileen King Avillion

Fred Knapp

John Kobiernicki

Kenneth Kubina

Linda Kuhne Morgan

Gary Mager

Thomas Maimone

Kevin Mair

Linda Mauriello

Harold McCaffery

Barbara Morey

Larry Murray

Kenneth Ostrowski

Wayne Peckham

Joseph Reichert

Gary Reiser

Susan Rose

Marianne Rutkoski Hier

John Ryan

Richard Sheridan

Cecilia Smith Rice

Rose Smith Bakitas

Mary Ann Somerville Baradan

Robert Spears

Harry Traphagen

Robert Vitan

Christopher Wallen

James Wheeler

Steve Williams

John Zacharewich

Class of 1971

Phil Armour

Bruce Ballard

Susan Beaupre

Edward Curtis

Lois Di Pietro

Larry Dolan

Barry Dorfman

Andy Dulina

Thomas Dunn

Art Feldner

James Griggs

Patricia Honey

Dave Kawecki

Stephen Kubowitz

Seth Lemberg

Maria Lepiscopo Gabara

Steve Lillis

Thomas Lus

Thomas Masterson

Thomas McGillan

Larry Murray

James Ostrowsk

Jean Reynolds

Mary Ellen Weldon



*Five Star Reunions makes no representation as to the complete accuracy of the names of the deceased. Information obtained is derived from research and classmates.

























*The names of the deceased were obtained through classmates and research. Five Star Reunions makes no representation of its complete accuracy.